We are specialists in Cyber and Information Security recruitment allowing us to understand our client’s strategy and tailor our candidates’ search. We help accelerate our client’s talent acquisition and candidates’ careers by working collaboratively to offer a tailored and targeted approach.
We take time to understand both client’s and candidate’s brand and motivation to ensure the perfect fit. We research our markets extensively and are always looking forward for the next breaking game-changing technology within Cyber and Information Security.
The Fortune Group works across all industries from professional services and consultancies to major Government Defence organisations helping them build teams from the ground level to board room.
Here’s why Clients & Candidates typically engage with The Fortune Group Cyber and Information Security practice:
- You are struggling to source candidates within specialist areas as you have legacy technology or have just installed updates to your enterprise IT with the latest technology within cyber and information security knowledge.
- You are experiencing a high volume of failed recruitment campaigns.
- You are losing out on talent as you do not appreciate either the current salaries on offer, or what your competitors are paying
- Your recruitment processes need streamlining, improving, and developing
- Your company brand is not being represented correctly and you need a recruitment partner who can do that. Or you need a stronger brand developed, specifically to attract the best talent, which is where we can help!
- You want to develop your internal recruitment team and augment their capabilities to help you recruit the really difficult roles!
- You are making a strategic hire as you want to update your enterprise IT with the latest technology to enable your company’s expansion and need complete confidence you have someone who can deliver.